
The Government Asks for Your Ideas on How to Improve Beijing

2017-03-02 Charles L. theBeijinger

As great as life in Beijing can be, there are times when the sky isn't so blue, it takes too long to get somewhere, and you may be wishing you'd rather be somewhere else. It's never popular to point out problems in China, but having such a discussion may bring up solutions to issues affecting everyone.

As an opinionated expat, that's where you come in. The city's government is now soliciting the public for their suggestions on how to improve our fair city, and they want to know what you think. Seriously.

But this isn't just about complaining about smog or the city's vast urban sprawl. Instead, Beijing wants to know what specific steps to take to make the city better under current policies implemented by the municipal government.

Click "Read more" for the rest of this story.

Images: Nandu.com, Pinterest

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